

Date: 04 Feb 2016

Crew Engineer Name: Anderson Wilder

Diesel – 48% (It’s hard to keep an accurate number because I stand so far

below the needle)

Propane – 76%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 10 Gallons

Water (trailer) measured in inches from the top– 25 inches

Water (static) measured in inches from the bottom – topped off

Trailer to Static Pump used – Yes

Water (loft) – 12, topped off

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes, topped it off

Water Meter: 104,196.1

Atv # 1,3,5 Oil Checked: #3 and #5 look a bit low

Atv # 1,3,5 Fuel Used Gals: Unknown

Atv # 1,3,5 Tires Status: Good

Atv Hours Used Day: 0

Atv Notes And Comments: ATV #1 is out of commission as of right now, so all

that we have operational is ATV #3 and 5 at this moment. Battery to ATV #4

is very likely dead, charging it did not make a noticeable difference. #5

has survived another night, so I’m pretty confident that it’s going to be

okay for now

Summary of Engineering activities: Went through basic engineering report

procedures, everything is good

Notes: The bolt cutters are still here to either be picked up or returned

to Hollow Mountain. With that, the observatory is still unlocked. Static

tank to Loft pump was not pumping water for a little bit. I went out and

checked it out pump was running but no water flow. After moving the pump

around some water started to flow. I assume the exposed hose inside tank

froze with whatever water was still in it and was blocking the hose but

when I went out and examined it the frozen parts ended up breaking free and

then allowed water to flow through

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support

It appears that FOX News (most likely 31, from Denver) left on

Thursday and took one of the radios with them. We have emailed the people

at FOX and are waiting on a response on the matter.


Only concern here would be to get a new lock for the observatory,

and maybe another battery or two for the other ATVs #2 and #4.