
Commander Report


Miyajima Hiroyuki

I got up at 4 am when a crewmember went to bathroom. I made a petty rule that no one could use water including the bathroom usage while sleeping before we started this mission because the water usage causes a loud sound and makes other crew members wake up. But, I broke the rule as the commander today because I found some women crew member was holding back to go to bathroom. It is not good to control ourselves to go to bathroom.

After breakfast, four crew members conducted the second EVA and I was a HabCom. I had a crewmember equip my EVA tracking system which can record the path, distance, time, altitude, and walking speed. I analyzed the data after she came back to the Hab.

I am interested in habitation in space, life support and logistics in space, and high mobility exploration on a planetary surface. I analyzed the life support and logistics in the International Space Station (ISS) and designed the habitat module for The Mars Society's Inspiration Mars International Student Design Competition as the technical advisor for our joint Japan and US student team.

We are studying our water usage for Mars life and trying to keep clean in the Hab by using the Japanese traditional sweeping method, such as a used tea leaves way, which doesn’t use water. In addition, they try to cook our meals using only a little water. Our daily photos will show the three meals every day.

Mission Goals:

Team Nippon (Japan) set our three mission goals based on the Mars Society’s 3S (Safety, Simulation, and Science).

We will do our best to complete our mission safely without any injures and sicknesses.

We will simulate the life and exploration on Mars.

    • First, we will apply the cooking method designed by using only a little water, which was developed for foods after a disaster, to Mars cooking while keeping the hygiene control and our health, and minimum waste.

    • Second, we will study and design for Mars habitat facility based on the past habitable volume and human factor studies.

    • Third, we will study the parameter for high mobility exploration on a planetary surface using the EVA equipment at MDRS.

For science, we will measure the ATP of the utensil and kitchen facilities and confirm the result of traditional Japanese hygiene control method.

We would like to achieve these goals after two weeks.