
Journalist Report


Prepared by Quentin Cappart

Day 8 on Mars and crew 136 still on Mars with some guests !

Yes, we have guests on Mars ! Today was a particular day because we received a delegation coming

from the earth to make a report of our life on Mars. They accompanied us during our different

activities of the day. They saw us working on our project, doing an EVA, etc.. Globally, we shared

our life here with them. They took a meal with us too. Fortunately for them, the lunch that we took

was one of the best that we took on Mars : beef meat, mashed potatoes and compote (All freeze-dried

of course). With a good seasoning, it's really tasty (Although I think we lose the real meaning of

tasty food during our stay on Mars...) ! Their report will be diffused the coming months. They

seemed to enjoy the time spent with us and even for us it's nice the see other persons. :)

So let's return to our activities. The EVA of today was the continuation of one that we made few

days ago : In a first time, measuring data in a streambed and in a second time collecting samples

for the geology project. Concerning the streambed, this time we took measures not on the main

watercourse but on its tributaries. For the geology project, we analysed the area in a different way

than usual. This time, we didn't take particular rocks but we took sampling of different layers of

the dirt to a depth of approximatively 5cm.

We took time to finish our video too. And we are glad to announce that it's now ready ! We'll upload

in a few hours when we have a better reception with the earth. Hope that you'll enjoy it.

And to finish this report, let's continue the story of Benoît the mousekiller. Today he found

another mouse and arrive to kill it too. We all wonder how he is doing to find them, because until

now it's the only one here who saw mice...). So now, he has the rank of “Micekiller”. he's even

more efficient than or traps that caught until now no mouse!