
Commander Report


Ashley Dale

I find myself in an interesting position as crew commander, with my main role being to keep everyone as equally unhappy as possible. We're not just talking about balancing things within the crew itself, but between the crew and mission support, and between the crew, mission support, and the press. Time always seems be the immovable constraint.

This is very much a learning-on-the-job process for me. Keeping the vision of what this is all about

at the forefront of my mind is what I try to do. Everyone wants their pet-projects, their protocols,

and perfect shot done, but we only have so many person-hours to work with. Whilst avoiding upsetting any person in particular too much, I am trying to optimize the distribution of all of our efforts to working towards that vision as effectively as possible. This is my strategy. Easier said than done, of course. Normally I am not one to shy from upsetting people when I see it necessary, but given the situation I find myself in, I have felt it necessary to change my game-plan for this all to work.


CommanderCheckIn Report


Ashley Dale

Crew Physical Health:

All are well, but generally quite tired. Vibha's ankle is okay.

Susan's stiffness is nearly resolved. Kai and Ewan are no longer

feeling to funky after propane gas exposure yesterday.

Eva Depart Time:


Eva Return Time:


Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Soil samples collected for ESA hardware testing. Radio signal quality study was not conducted - we were trying to use the CNN reporters time as productively as possible.

Eva Depart Time:


Eva Return Time:


Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Rover EVA was not conducted due to bugs within software. However Michaela was able to conduct a geology survey of the dedicated rover area.

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Hab Maint:

DG was here and took a look at the issues with the GreenHAB fumes: inappropriate heaters for GreenHAB (way over sized). When in use, must be done so with open doors.

Rep Sched:


Tomorrow Plan:

Rover debugging/EVA. Vibha/Michaela conducting geology EVA to the north. Radio signal quality EVA. Kai needs to do some interviews.



Support Req:


