
Commander Report

Mehdi Scoubeau


Dear Earth,

Today was filled with firsts for some of the crew members: first EVA, first rehydrated beef... Anyway, the crew has set its new routine with a fixed wake up time and a 7-minute workout before breakfast in order to stay fit.

Despite a quite cloudy weather, the EVA went well as it allows us to confirm that the battery of the glasses is well extended, among other things. Therefore we are on a good start to making progress on this experiment that we started last year. We also managed to spot some good locations for some tests with the Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle with enhanced payload.

The very Mars-like windy afternoon was busy with setting up the experiments and making them ready for the EVAs of the next days. With the wind and the fast changing weather, I am pretty sure the views from our windows today looked very much like the ones we would have on Mars except from the color of the sky maybe. An idea of improvement for the Hab: red/orange filters on the windows?

Lastly, apart from the fact that we are still suffering a bit from the “space disease” (aka jetlag), we are all excited for this mission that is off to a good start.

Per ardua ad astra!