
GreenHab Report


Jennifer Kindle

Morn Internal Temperature:

Noon Internal Temperature:

Even Internal Temperature:

Nite Internal Temperature:

Morn Internal Humidity:

Noon Internal Humidity:

Even Internal Humidity:

Nite Internal Humidity:

Morn External Temperature:

Noon External Temperature:

Even External Temperature:

Nite External Temperature:

Morn External Humidity:

Noon External Humidity:

Even External Humidity:

Nite External Humidity:

Morn Air Pressure:

Noon Air Presssure:

Even Air Pressure:

Nite Air Pressure:

Sprout Report:

GreenHab Report


Lee Kindle

No electricity heater did not run

Electrical readings:

No readings


Current Min Max

Temp: 75oF 34oF 81oF

Humid: 15% 8% 20%

Hydro tank water level: 18cm from the top no transfer amount

Hydro tank pH level: 8.77pH


Current Min Max

Temp: 97oF 72oF 97oF

Humid: 11% 11% 16%

Will refill Hydro tank in the AM.

Sprout Watering Quantity:

Sprout Watering Time:

Plant Report:

Plant Watering Quantity:

Plant Watering Time:

Harvest Report:

Maintenance Report:

Supplies Request:


1. I had an idea about how to keep the rodents out of the lettuce. Building a top cage over the

entire hydro tank that locks down, but can be lifted up for access. Built with hardware cloth or

small chicken wire type metal.

2. The sweet peas are starting to fall and pour out over the pots. I didn’t know if maybe adding

a small trellis in each pot for them to grow up would be beneficial.