
Hello Mission Support:

Today I woke up with the song “Space Oddity” in my head. I haven’t heard it in a long while, so it was weird. The song had a tragic ending, but it is exciting because it reminds me how far we are from our blue planet. This space adventure gets better every day.

Yesterday I wrote about discussing ideas for an energy generation project we want to work on, today we started to construct a small representation of it. Our idea is to use the energy from sun radiation to make the Hab warmer. We plan to use glycerin as a component of the real system, but we had to use Nutella as we don’t have glycerin here in the station. Daniel Rivas and I were really sad because we love eating Nutella, but this was the most similar substance we found that could replace glycerin and we had to make a sacrifice. It was very hard to put Nutella inside a plastic tube, it took about three hours and we are still working on it. We all ended up with the hands full of chocolate!

Romulo Cruz conducted an EVA in the morning, he went with Sergio Postigo to Morrison formations. He recollected sand samples to analyze them in the lab. They got the chance to see great views, luckily they took some beautiful pictures of the landscape. I found in the Hab a toy to make bubbles, so we had a small break and played with it.

Right now we are still working on our team project, this is why The Commander's report will take a short while.

Attached are pictures from today.

Best regards,

Olenka Jibaja Valderrama

Journalist, Crew 150.