
MDRS Daily Summary Report

Sol 14 1/23/2016

Passing on the baton!

Executive Officer Adeniyi Adebayo Reporting

Mission Status: Research projects completed. Training of crew 162.

Sol Activity Summary: Today, we welcomed crew 162 to Mars. It has been amazing journey for everyone. The day was devoted to training the new crew and showing them around all the facilities on ground at the MDRS

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we head back to Earth. We are excited and sad at the same time. Excited to see loved ones, sad to leave this very special place.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies to report.

Weather: The Martian weather was warm, with clear skies.

Crew Physical Status: All crew members are hale and healthy

EVA: There was no EVA today.

Reports to be filed:

Commander’s Report

Daily Summary Report

Journalist Report

Biologist Report

Engineering Report

Astronomy report

Support Requested: No support is requested at this time.