
Officer Poulet to CapCom and to Coordinator Orenstein.

We received the pH / EC probe today. Please advise on measurements to take (frequency etc.) and in which conditions.

The heater has been running until 11:30 at 1500W and I turned it back at 17:30. It was a pretty hot day here on Mars.

The pump is operating normally but we had a power outage over night and the readings I got this morning are not representative of anything.

The seeds I planted on Thursday in my small home-made greenhouse are sprouting whereas the one in the big pots are not showing signs of life yet.

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 63 Degrees F 57 Degrees F 90 Degrees F

Humidity 18% 12% 18%

Greenhab readings at 9am today were as follows:

Meter 0.02 KwH

Duration 00h35 min

Best regards,

Officer Poulet