

Engineering Report


Date: 13 November 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Joshua Timpe

Diesel – 100%

Propane – 35% (gauge at the top of the tank)

Gasoline 0% (5 Gal for ATV) [needs refill] - Each of 4 primary ATVs has between 25%-33% tank remaining

Water (trailer) – 10 cm from the bottom

Water (static) – Full

Trailer to Static Pump used - Yes

Water (loft) – 40 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - Yes

Water Meter 101.078.470 Gallons on arrival (08/11/2015)

Atv # Oil Checked: Oil indicators are checked

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: >5.0 gallons (since last refill of 5 gal tank)

Atv # Tires Status: Good condition (arrival)

Atv # Hours Used Day: 4 Atv for 1.5 hour (used for EVA)

Atv # Notes And Comments: 3 of 4 primary ATVs functioning, engine repeatedly quits on 4th ATV (#11). Gasoline Tank for ATVs still needs refill. New oven (still in Hab work space) is larger than previous and modifications may need to be made in order to install. Only 3 working radio headphones, fourth headphone works intermittently. Diesel store refilled today.

Summary of Engineering activities:

    • Checked fuel stores for Hab and ATVs

    • Picked up excess trash around trailer

    • Refilled static water tank from trailer water tank

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support: Need gasoline refill as noted above. ATV #11 will need to be evaluated.