
Greetings Mission Support,

Commander Report Crew 165:

Pamela Nicoletatos

Sol 4

Earth date: 10/03/16

Last night required strategic negotiations and wit, as the Crew sat down to play a “friendly” game

of Star Wars Monopoly! The game started at about 8:30 after dinner and was declared a tie between the last remaining Jedi Master Obi-Wan (Our HSO), Princess Leia (Our Crew Astronomer) and Galactic Emperor (Our XO) at 1:00am.

There were carefully sculpted plans of attack, along with prayers for landing in jail simply to avoid the oncoming financial slaughter of the home stretch to “GO”, completed by the willingness to sacrifice the “collect 200” Imperial credits. All this effort just to survive one more spin around the board, laughter and jest fueled the evening. The crew continues to amaze me with an

even closer tight knit dynamics as the Sols go by. I am very fortunate to have such a brilliant crew.

Our morning start was early and the crew was welcomed to a fresh resupply of water from our Galactic Water Provider to last the rest of our rotation. Tonight’s activities will hopefully be another visit to the Musk Observatory providing no atmospheric interference.

EVA today entailed:

Soil collections

Journalist media collection for mid rotation video.

Nor Cal Rover Test

GreenHab resupply shipment unloaded from docking port and relocated inside for assembly.

Outside static tank was resupplied with water from our Galactic Water Provider.

Scheduled ATV repairs commenced, there are now five fully operational ATV’s awaiting refueling supplies.

Additional Crew reports to follow, much appreciation to mission support back on Earth. No EVA request for Sol 5, Earth date


From Crew 165,

Crew Commander signing off.
