
Commander report


Romain Charles

We started our day with the promise of a new EVA under the sun. It's

always good for the moral.

EVA - Wissam (EVA Lead), Rebeca, Scott, Romain

Like yesterday, the debriefings that we had together helped to work

efficiently during the EVA preparation. We could tests a draft "EVA

Checklist" which will help each EVA Lead to be ready and efficient.

The EVA lasted from 10:10 to 12:40 and here are a few highlights:

• Engineering activity to review the status of our external systems

• Quadcopter experiment in 2 different locations

Upon return to the Hab, we did a debriefing of this 3rd EVA and one of the

main topic was the high rate of communication issues.

Communication issues

Soon after our lunch we started an extensive check of all our

communication devices (radios & headsets) in all the different

configurations. You will receive more details about the testing in

Rebeca's Engineering report but the conclusion is that the microphones of

3 headsets (out of 6) are not working.

From our different tests, we now assume that the humidity of the helmet

could be the cause of this high rate of failure amongst the microphones.

We would like to request a near-future resupply of EVA microphone

equipment with a minimum of 3 new headsets so we can continue our

exploration of the Martian surface safely.

Engineering EVA

The ATV situation was evaluated again during the Engineering activities of

our morning EVA but to no avail. An Engineering EVA was then planned from

17h30 to 18h to have a clear understanding of the situation. Rebeca was

able to start 4 ATVs (out of 5) with success but the ATV5 is still a

problem. You will find all the details in her Engineering report.

Water contingency

We monitored the Static tank status during our EVA's Engineering

activities at 10:30 and also during the Engineering EVA at 18:10 but it

didn't change. The tank is still low with water. Our crew continues to

follow the "Water saving" scenario but, as explained on the 13th of

January, tomorrow is the last day when we have enough water supplies.

We urgently request the status of the water resupply. Shall we schedule a

"water recovery" activity during our planned EVA tomorrow?

Upcoming EVA

We are sending a request for approval of an EVA on Jan 16th 2015. As the

weather conditions improved for the last couple of days, Danielle (EVA

Lead), Andrew, Renee and Scott are planning an EVA to conduct a test of

the Phoenix Rover.

I finish this report a bit abruptly as, for the 3rd day in a row, we

caught a glimpse of our new mascot, Marvin the mouse, and we're starting a
