
Science Report


Dario Parastesh

The drone was flown and tested today for the very first timesince the

previous activities involving it were mainly practice activities. I had

a good response for almost all the technical outputs. In particular:

- - The drone can be controlled quite easily. However, a more accurate and

checked trim need to be performed in order to achieve a real hovering.

As tomorrow my presence is required inside the HAB, I am gonna testing

it in the Bio Lab since there is a good quantity of space to be used.

- - The gloves yet permits to use the radio controller but the sensibility

is considerably reduced since they give a weird sensation of huge sticks

movements when trying to reduce/increase the throttle as well as the

elevator, aileron and rudder. A more comfortable and thinner gloves

would be ideal.

- - This drone can be controlled in a 100 m range and has no GPS signal

while the one I am planning to bring to FMARS would resolve both of the


- - A more practice is required to feel comfortable order to pilot the

drone by the camcorder inserted in the radio controllersince I don’t

really have the sensation of where the drone is.

However, it seems that an use of this instrument could be very useful in

a FMARS mission to look for presence of water or minerals in the soil

coupled with the use of Thermocameras.