
///Begin transmission///

Romain Compère

Journalist report

Hello Earth !

Today was a very sweet day on Mars. The sun has been on our side the whole dayWe woke up at 9:00 (everybody had worked very late in the night yesterday) and Martin, Auriane and Florian went outside in order to take measurements for Auriane's experiment: she tries to measure the electric conductivity of a dried river (Florian also took samples. once again). Meanwhile in the hab Gaspard and I have been tidying up the whole station (do the dishes, sweep in the floor, etc.) during more than two hours. Worst part of it, Bastien didn't even notice it when he came out of his room.

We had lunch together at 13:30 and watched the video Martin has been editing. During the afternoon, every one worked on his experiment except Martin who tried to entertain us by playing music on the one-string banjo. It was indeed entertaining, but not during one and a half hour.

Tonight, we will enjoy a new experimental recipe, made of different foods we like but never experienced together: mixed meats, potato gratin and stewed apples. We all hope it's gonna be fine.

Ad astra!

Romain Compère

Crew Journalist, Crew 153.

///End of transmission///