
EVA Number: Crew 159

EVA #8

EVA Date: 23rd Dec 2015

Purpose of EVA: Testing the use of Baby Shampoo as anti-fogging for the helmets

Location of EVA: Picard Butte

Number of EVA Crew: 2

Crew Members going on EVA: Chiara Cocchiara, Barak Stoltz


- ATV 1 Used: yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: yes

- ATV 4 Used: no

ATV hours usage: 0 min

Duration of EVA: 2 Hrs

EVA departure time: 10:15 AM

EVA return time: 12:15 PM

Time Checks:

- 1st: 10:40

- 2nd: 10:58

- 3rd: 11:14

4th: 11:36

5th: 12:10


The helmets were tested for two hours and there was not sign of fogging. It seems like an otimal solution and it will be suggested also for the next Crew to use it.