
GreenHab Report


Benoit Pairet

Good news: the plug strip issue is solved, the heater and pump worked all night.

The heater has been running: 6pm to 9am at 1500W

I checked on the non-working sprinkler, the water flows normally from the tube but does not go through the 'final stick' (which I have no idea what to call). So the problem seems to be coming from the inside of that stick and I don't really know how to fix it.

I barely watered the hydroponic plants today, the level is still above the pump. If not empty tomorrow, I thought I might wait until Saturday so I can show the Crew 137 GreenHab Officer how to refill it.

Everything is fine. I took a picture of the sprouts, they are growing well. When should I take off the plastic lid and when should I transplant them?

The bucket under the hydro tank was still 3 quarter full and still no transfer

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 61 F 54 F 72 F

Humidity 16 % 16 % 19 %

Note: it was rainy today, the outside air was very humid and it was not as hot as usual. The night was also a bit warmer than the previous ones.

Greenhab readings at 9am today were as follows:

Meter 0.51 KwH

Duration 14h21 min

Note : I took pictures of Officer Musilova's samples and will report to her right now.