
Greetings Mission Support,

Commander Report Crew 165:

Pamela Nicoletatos

Sol 7

Earth date: 13/03/16

We welcomed the morning with scrambled eggs, hash browns and a mixture of both blueberry and plain pancakes made by our XO. The crew left not even a mere morsel behind. Once breakfast had finished we once again began our morning routine of exercising and then were off for our scheduled EVA. Joining today were myself, the XO, HSO and Crew Journalist. Collected were additional soil samples and video footage for the Journalist mid rotation video. Back at the Hab lunch was homemade dumplings and soup. We will be making fresh sushi for tonight’s meal. I have now officially reached the weight I was at the start of our rotation and suspect I will be well over by the end. Perhaps one of our projects should have been to update the MDRS cookbook to include an extensive section dedicated to Japanese cuisine.

Next year’s rotation!

Back to running the pressurized tunnel to the Musk observatory!

Spirits are high among the crew and we continue to form strong bonds. Be it the food or the great company that are the driving factors, we really don’t care, it’s just great to be part of this crew.

Tonight will be movies and games, Gooney’s was on last night, talk about a throw back in Earth time. Apollo 13 playing in the background XO and myself are busy making a variety of Martian Ice-cream and sushi for dinner!

Additional Crew reports to follow, EVA request for Sol 8.

Much appreciation expressed to mission support back on Earth, for your time and efforts.

From Crew 165,

Crew Commander signing off.


May the force be with you!