
MDRS 166

Journalist Report 26/03/2016

Sol 7.

Yesterday the guys started a never-endless game of Star Wars Monopoly, thanks to the previous crew who let it for us. At the middle of the game, Greg and Arthur lost everything. Both were in bankrupt following the same sketch. They stopped on Bertrand’s Star Destroyer, lost everything and had to mortgage some of their properties. And just after both continue in the Mathieu’s Zone and had to let their properties to him.

They played during more than an hour, and made a ping-pong of who was winning and who was losing. At midnight they decided to go to sleep after all. At least, they were both on the dark side and they annihilate Leia and Luke on Endor. Maybe the films ended wrong…

This morning I got up at nine to prepare the breakfast, cornflakes like every day. We had some resupplying and I got a pack without raisin just for me! So the others decide to keep it for me, so I will have enough food.

The three one chosen for an external project went on their secret EVA today. I stayed at the Hab with Mathieu and Bertrand. Bertrand Repair his Antenna that broke during an EVA. Another soup for dinner, with corn flour bread this time. They came back early, the weather started to be dismal.

This afternoon, the guys (who have weird activities) watched a silly film. Julie was trying to study, and we could hear them laugh loudly. Here there is no sound-proofing, and the Hab is not really large, so we have no places to be quiet.

Greg and Arthur are trying to make Popsicle, and they spilled water everywhere in the kitchen. I don’t know what they planned to cook, but I’m a little skeptical when I listen to them…

“I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams...”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Nadine Traufler, Crew Journalist MDRS 166