
EVA Number: Crew 160

EVA #02 Summary Report

EVA Date: 29th Dec 2015

Crew Commander Reporting

Purpose of EVA: Obtain proper skills in driving the ATVs. The first pair (buddy system) will take the 2 ATVs (one person each) to the road at about 12S-51850E-425050N and then traverse to the location below on foot. Once completed, at roughly 1145, the pair will return to the HAB with the ATVs and transfer the ATVs to the second pair so that they may conduct the same mission. Each pair had a member familiar with ATVs.

Location of EVA: 12S-51925E-425106N

Number of EVA Crew: 4

Crew Members going on EVA: Lycourgos, Marc, John, Hiroki


- ATV 1 Used: Yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: Yes

- ATV 4 Used: no

ATV time usage: 15 minutes (total)

Duration of EVA: 1 hour

EVA departure time: 1108

EVA return time: 1211

Time Checks:

- 1st: 1128

- 2nd: 1145

Summary: The 4 crew members during this EVA (including me) have become a bit more familiarized with the MDRS rovers (ATVs). We overestimated the time it would take to reach the destination with the ATVs since they cover ground very fast (we have a better understanding of how far/how long it would take to arrive at certain locations on the map are too). We anticipated the loss of communication with the Hab for the 2 members that would travel with the ATV and had the 2 other members help relay the communications between the ATV crew and HabCom. I would like to practice this relay method a lot more so that we can have constant communication with HabCom and all crew members.