
MDRS Crew 156

Journalist Report

November 8th, 2015

Today is our first official day in the Hab and we’re all excited. A big thanks to Crew 155 for getting the Hab ready for us over the past 2 weeks. We had a chance to explore the surrounding area earlier today. We encountered a group from the Canadian Space Agency who are setting up a remotely controlled rover simulation a few miles from the Hab. We’ll hopefully be able to observe and share some of their experience with mission control.

Simulation officially started around dinner time. We’ve assigned tasks and have started to settle in. We had a chance to do the ‘‘marshmellow challenge’’ as a team building/icebreaker challenge. Our CMO has shared some of his expertice and experiences working as Flight Surgeon for NASA. We expect to develop our knowledge and skill set in space medicine over the next few days.

Bonsoir et à la prochaine,

Justin Kahalé

Crew Journalist, Crew 156