
Astronomy Report


Arthur Lillo

Sky Conditions:

Mostly Cloudy

Wind Conditions:


Observation Start Time:

3 A.M.

Observation End Time:

3:45 A.M.


We wanted to take advantage of the Moon hiding under horizon to

observe the Milky Way in the direction of its center. Saturn and Mars

were supposed to be visible at that hour. But the clouds were stronger

than our eyes and we were only able to observe Jupiter through the

eyepiece of the telescope. Its moons were not visible. It was quite

frustrating, we all woke up at 3 A.M. to witness the beauty of the

desert’s sky for the last time in the simulation, and there was almost

nothing to see.

Objects viewed:


Problems encountered:

Too cloudy. The shutter did not have enough power to be fully closed,

so we closed it in the morning when the Sun had filled the batteries.

Post-Scriptum: I send you the picture of Sirius out of focus after

collimation, and the picture of the content of the Visual Astronomer
