

SOL: 1

Person filling out Report: Mohammad IRANMANESH, XO

Summary Title: First EVA in cloudy Mars

Mission Status: All systems GO. Mission started with a successful EVA and work on experiments.

Sol Activity Summary: EVA #1. CRV was assembled. ECG calibration for future experiments. Crew Engineer started tracking water consumption.

Look Ahead Plan: According to schedule, all the experiments should be operated at least once this week. Tomorrow the CRV with enhanced payload will be tested as well

Anomalies in work: No working ATV

Weather: cloudy , ground dry.

Crew Physical Status: The crew member who was sick is feeling better today but another crew member is sick now. We are concerned that it might be a virus and other crew member will get sick too.

EVA: EVA to explore around the HAB and first test of the EMUI smart glasses.

Reports to be filed:

- Commander report

- Engineering report

- Journalist report

- Health and Safety report

- EVA #2 request

- EVA #1 report

Support Requested:

- Fix ATV