
Commander Report

Susan Jewell

SOL 4 - Logdate: 0012032015

Zen, Meditation and Self Awakening

Awakening to the experience of the glory and magnificence of the Martian dawn is beyond description. One must be here to see it in person. So I won’t attempt to describe it. Moments like these are precious and must be savored in person and stored in our memories to share with others for a lifetime. Last night some of te crew members spent some time togehter in mindfulness meditation. There are other style of meditation such as the Japanese Zen style of meditation, pronounced as “Za-Zen” . This was a style was taught to me from a previous MDRS crew member, Yusuke and I loved it. It helped the crew relax and de-stress as the days passed in the mission. I would like to try this with this Crew 158 and see if the effect can be the same. Zen together with the rhythmic vocal chanting called “Han-Nya-Shin-Gyo” apparently allow the mind to become more active, to focus and to increase concentration in preparation for the day’s activities. Yusuke was taught by his Zen Master who is an architect of Japanese tea ceremony houses and temples. It is so inspiring to learn a style of Zen that originally came from India and evolved over a thousand years by the Japanese to the modern version we are practicing today. If Mr. Spock was here he would probably say “Fascinating, Captain”.

So today was spent in reflective contemplation and ruminations about the meaning of existence. Why are we here? What is the meaning and purpose of Everything, Anything and Nothing?

The inner journey of Self and Spiritual Awakening is just as important to embrace and integrate into our training for astronauts and for human space exploration. The major limiting factor for humans to succeed in becoming a multi-planetary species is not the technology nor the science…it is the understanding of the Self and the Mind….that grey and white muscle in our heads with all its mystery, wonder and unpredictability! Space exploration in my humble opinion is not just about the science or technology it is also about exploring the boundaries of our human limits and our own ability to discover our true Being. DISCOVERY OF THE SELF….THE INNER AWAKENING!

Tonight we will perform a yoga session followed the Zen meditation

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