
GreenHab Report


Prepared by Benoit Pairet

The heater has been running: from 6PM to 9AM at 1500W

The pump is operating normally and the hydroponic tank water is 8cm

below full

I took multiple pictures of the fungus, they have been growing fast and

there is now new sprouts. Here are the pictures taken yesterday night,

this morning and 20 minutes ago. I did not put the basil back yet, if

you don't tell me otherwise, I'll do as described in this morning email.

On the last picture, we can see that the plant is surrounded by fungus,

I don't know if it will still be ok to eat.

The bucket under the hydro tank was 3 quarter full and no transfer today

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 37 F 66 F 97 F

Humidity 11 % 17 % 21 %

Greenhab readings at 9am today were as follows:

Meter 0.51 KwH

Duration 14h30min