Crew 154

He is chair of the Space Architecture Technical Committee at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. As commander he successfully led mission 135 at Mars Desert Research Station focused on Redundancy and Reliability of Extreme Environment habitat systems.

He is also involved in terrestrial architecture and transfer of technologies and processes for integration to Earth from Space.


Architect, Space Architect and scientist with focus on human-space flight and extreme environment human-system integration. He is active in analog research, outreach and education activities internationally. As a professor at Florida Institute of Technology he teaches Human-centered design topics and also performs research at NASA KSC. He is managing director of research and design studio Space Innovations.

His work in the theatre has been from the very beginning focused on collective improvisation as a method of creating original authored productions. His plays belong to the boundary between traditional and alternative, or even physical, theatre. Not surprisingly, most of his theatrical work is connected to Prague’s renowned Studio Ypsilon Theatre, where, with the support of younger members of the acting company, he created a number of thematically contiguous stage productions. Of these, the most noteworthy has been the original “theatre about theatre” titled Theatre in a Nutshell [Divadlo v Kostce], which opened in 2005 and won the Theatre Journal Award; also the latest play Wind to Strand [Kam vítr tam pláž] from 2008, which brings windsurfing to the stage. In conjunction with his doctoral studies and part- time teaching appointment at the Academy, (or DAMU as it is known in Prague), he has created with his students their graduation performances; for instance the production Man, You Should Try It! [Člověče, zkus to!], a sort of a reality-training devise that took the Magazine Revue Award in 2006. Two years later, in 2008, his production of Very Social Dances [Velmi společenské tance] was nominated for the Theatre Journal Award in the category of Alternative Theatre. In 2007, the Theatre in Dejvice [Dejvické divadlo] presented Havelka’s play Black Hole [Černá díra], which was created by the permutational repetition of a single banal situation; it shared the first place in the annual poll Best Production of the Year. The following year Jiří Havelka brought to the stage Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in the play Indian under Threat [Indián v ohrožení]. That same year he was awarded the prestigious Alfred Radok Prize in the category Talent of the Year. Mr.Havelka also directed some international productions, for instance the Czech-German production EXIT 89 or Czech – British Here I Am Human (2010) done together with the band The Tiger Lilies, both at the Archa Theatre, in Prague. Between 2001-2006 he collaborated on the Czech-Canadian theatre co- production Prague-Toronto-Manitoulin Theatre Project, which brought together students and faculty members from the Prague Academy of Performance Arts, students from the Drama Programme at the University of Toronto Scarborough, and actors from the First Nations theatre company De-ba-jeh-mu-jig from Manitoulin Island. In his plays Jiří Havelka constantly explores the possibilities of theatrical time-space and the creation of stage illusions, as well as emphasizing the uniqueness of theatre as a means of direct communication. He tries to find a new role for the theatre in the age of virtual media; he discovers it principally in the powers of imagination, or rather in the audience’s creative metaphorical capabilities. His productions have been presented at festivals in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Poland and Slovakia; during visits to the festivals, Havelka frequently conducts workshops aimed at learning the essential elements of theatrical expression. In 2011 he finished his PhD studies with the thesis called Freezing Fresh Fruit and became a head of Department of Alternative and Puppets Theatre at DAMU.

Simulation is based on game not only theatrical play but also one of the main principles of human existences. This concept is of my strong interest - Space simulations are directly related to simulations/acting imagination as well as real space missions that are enormous source of imagination. The science in general is attempting to create model of the outer world and described it through simulations. Space provides new arena for description of world and objective reality in general and also new environment for modeling and simulations (simplifications and analysis and conceptualization) that allows for unpredictable emergent phenomena discovery which is my strong interest.


Director, actor and co-founder of the theater Vosto5, Director, Actor and Script Writer head of Department of Alternative and Puppets Theatre at DAMU Theatre Academy in Prague.

He is very interested in new methodologies in terms of thresholds between theatre and simulations. He is coordinating and managing projects of professional and semi-professional projects of Vosto5 theatre. He is preparing and fully managing TV documentary and film projects in the near future and as well he would like to direct regular Theatre as a whole.

He has personal interested in sci-fi film with interest in human space exploration and space adventures.


He is managing director, executive producer and actor at the Vosto5 Theatre in Prague and professor at Department of Arts Management at DAMU Theatre Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He is a Vice-Dean for student Affairs and Artistic Activities, Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He has over 15 years of experience in managing theatre related projects project.

She is enthusiastic about the human spaceflight that connects and unites nations and cultures and requires special knowledge we are not required to have on Earth and that is also a reason of societal success.


Actor and student of documentary department at Film Academy and Music Arts FAMU in Prague. She is focused on research and documentary about women active in arts and film. She is a theatre and film actor. She is enthusiastic about American culture, arts and history. She is interested in doctoral research in Israel and Palestine film arts where she currently executes film workshops. She also plans to do research and studies at Colombia university next year.

Space exploration is also her interests. Tereza is very enthusiastic about human space flight and big supporter of research journalism and outreach of living in extreme environments.


Film director student and actor at Film Academy and Music Arts FAMU in Prague. She is currently focused on documentary film, journalism. Her primary interest is in script writing and film directing of English speaking and independent movies. She often works for Czech, Slovak TV and HBO TV. In documentary film she focuses in societal topics.

He believes in successful future human-spaceflight and exploration. The space and all sciences he studied, led him to understanding of needs and co-existence of religions and cultures that are also required for human exploration. He is interested in ideologies that would evolve to support human space exploration.


Professional freelance actor with broad capability of skills with more than 10 years of experience in variety of roles and acting positions including Hollywood experience. His major assignments are in National Theatre in Prague and private arts group Vosto5. His personal focus is improvisation theatre and independent theatre. His interests are in intercultural and inter-religious topics in collision with materialism.

She considers human presence on Earth as phenomenon that we should treasure and humankind should be cautious and aware about Earth environment with higher priority and prior successful and careful in space exploration.

Film Crew 154 (not living at MDRS habitat, visiting MDRS habitat and surroundings on regular basis over daytime)


Benjamin Tucek is well-known Czech scriptwriter, director with interests in unusual topics and film settings while addressing important socio-technical topics stemming from phenomelogical needs of our society.

Analog missions are new area in film industry that possess unexplored challenges not only from film point of view but also from viewpoint of emergent life situations, unpredictable scenarios given by extreme environment swhich we are not familiar yet.


National Academy of Performing Arts - Faculty of Film and TV


2002 nominated Grand prix “Děvčátko”

2003 nominated in Thessaloniki Film Festival for the Golden Alexander

2003 won SKYY Prize San Francisco International Film Festival “Děvčátko”

2004 nominated in D-Cinema Festival for Grand Prize “Děvčátko”

2005 nominated the Czech Lion Film Award for Best Screenplay “Mistři”

2010 won the Czech Lion film Award for best screenplay “Protektor”

2013 won the Czech Lion Film Award for best screenplay “Polski film”

2014 nominated for Best Czech Documentary at Jihlava International Film Festival


Writer Kancelář Blaník (TV series short, 2014)

Polski Film (feature film, 2012)

Terapie (TV series, 2011)

Protektor (feature film, 2009)

Mistři (feature film, 2004)

Děvčátko (feature film, 2002)

Director Plán (documentary, 2014)

Tantra (documentary, 2011)

Děvčátko (feature film, 2002)


Director, director of photography, and cameraman with worldwide interests in documentary film and cinematography. Freelance artist who seeks for extreme environments action and unusual environmental settings.


Nebe Peklo (Heaven, Hell), Award for the best documentary film of a student festival “Finále”, Czech premiere of the film was introduces on Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and the world premiere was introduced on SXSW in Austin,

Berkat a Maršo, štěstí a svoboda (Berkat and Marsho: Happiness and Freedom), the main award of the film festival “Femina Film 2007”

Dotek obrazu (Touching Pictures) - graduation film of the Cinematography department, Jaromír Kučera award from the Association of Czech cinematographers, 1998

Úsvit (Twilight) - graduation film of the directory department, Award for the best camera of feature films in the student film festival of Film and TV school of academy of performing arts in Prague, 1997

Maruška( Maruschka) - documentary study of the cinematography department, Award for the best camera of documentary films in the student film festival of Film and TV school of academy of performing arts in Prague, 1996

FEATURE FILMS (selection):

Dotek obrazu (Touching Pictures) 1998, director: David Čálek (graduation film of the cinematography department, Jaromír Kučera award from the Association of Czech cinematographers

Rychlé pohyby očí (Rapide eye movement) 1998, director: Radim Špaček

Kanárek (The Canary/My Detox) 1999, director: Viktor Tauš

Přesně tak 2007, 36 min, production: Verbascum, scenes from the life of two mentally handicapped lovers, director and camera: David Čálek

Kuličky 2008, director: Olga Dabrowská

Mamas & Papas 2010, director: Alice Nellis

4 slunce 2011, director: Bohdan Sláma

Na skleničku 2014, production: Czech Television, Director: Bohdan Sláma

DOCUMENTARIES (selection):

Barevný národ (Coloured Nation) 2002, 23 min, Digital Betacam, production: Czech Television and People in Need, Director: David Čálek

Jak jich miluju tak mě serou (How I Love You, You Pissing me off ) 2003, 27 min, DVCAM, production Czech Television and David Čálek, Director and camera: David Čálek – portrait of a legendary pastor Jiří Reinsberg from the church Kostel Matky Boží před Týnem

Karlín ležící spící aneb bitva o Karlín (Karlin Sleeping othewise Battle of Karlin) – from the cycle Velký vůz (2002, 23 min, DVCAM, production: Czech Television and People in Need) director and camera: David Čálek

269 miliónů pod hladinou (269 milions under Water) 2002, 53 min, DVCAM, production: Czech Television and People in Need), director and camera: David Čálek

Bezesné noci (Dreamless Nights) 2003, 108 min, DVCAM, production: NFI and David Čálek, director: Radim Špaček and David Čálek

The Myth 2003, 66 min, DVCAM, production: Nomorebuds crew, director: Šimon Šafránek

Pátrání po Ester 2005, 128 min, DVCAM, film 35 mm, production: Bionaut - Vratislav Šlajer, Director: Věra Chytilová

Tančící Katmándů (Dancing Kathmandu) 2006, 45 min, DVCAM, production and director: Sagnita Shrestová

Berkat a Maršo, štěstí a svoboda (Berkat and Marsho: Happiness and Freedom) 2007, 75 min, Digital Betacam, director and camera: David Čálek, the main award of the film festival “Femina Film 2007”

Potížistky 2007, 53 min, Digital Betacam, production: Czech Television, director: Věra Chytilová

Gen, portrét Jiřího Kodeta 2007, 15 min, Digital Betacam, production Febio Film, director: Věra Chytilová

Wihanovo kvarteto 2007, 30 min, HDCAM, director: Alice Nellis

Velmi intimní dialogy 2007, 26 min, Digital Betacam, production: Czech Television, director: Theodora Remundová

Olympiáda, über Alles 2008, 28 min, Digital Betacam, production: Czech Television, director a camera: David Čálek, thoughts about the meaning of the Olympic games because of the Olympic games in Beijing 2008

Nebe Peklo (Heaven, Hell) 2010, 82 min, HD CAM, production HBO and Jacket Bros., director a camera: David Čálek, contemporary Czech society in the view of BDSM community

Tiger Lillies in Prague 2011, 45 min, XDCAM HD, production Bratři s.r.o., director a camera David Čálek, portrait of a British music band, whose members are fond of Prague

Pod dlažbou pláž 2013 ČT, 53 min, HDCAM, director Radim Špaček, thoughts about television as a public service

Provedu 2013, Shining Pictures, 30+30 min, HDCAM, director Radim Špaček, documentary about Czech units in Afganistan

Incoming 2013, Shining Pictures, 70 min, HDCAM, director Radim Špaček, documentary about Czech PRT in Afghanistan

Plán 2014, 90 min, HDCAM, production: Negativ, Czech Television, director Ben Tuček, camera David Čálek, film about controversial changes of the capital city of Prague and about the fights of developers

Adopce: Konkurz na rodiče 2014, 75 min, production: HBO, director: Alice Nellis, camera David Čálek, Matěj Cibulka, time-lapse documentary about reality and troubles of adoptions in Czech republic

Pirátské sítě (Pirating pirates) 2014, 83 min, production Bratři s.r.o., Czech Television, director and camera David Čálek, film about a boy called Hassan from a Nairobi slum who acts as a pirate, which he has never been, for money. Shooting this film in life-threatening areas discovers a scandalous lie which is very common in the journalistic world.

David Čálek also cooperated on TV series „60“, Kosmopolis, Velký vůz and Artróza, production: Czech Television, Redakce, production: TV Prima, on music video clips and TV commercials as a cameraman or a director.


Director of photography with general skills related to film techniques and technicalities. His interests are in variety of topics related mostly to interesting teamwork and intercultural common interests.

He would like to develop his own independent adventure film that is enriching or educative for audience.

He focuses on collaboration with creative teams that fit his outreach interests, intercultural and religious coexistence with infinity of the universe.


Academy award professional freelance sound engineer active mostly in Europe. He is particularly focused on sound recording and sound designing for documentary and feature films. He is as well collaborating on fiction movies. His interests are in outreach and tutoring for documentary movies in Myanmar and Malawi i.e., sharing experience in developing countries.

He is interested in sci-fi cinematography and he is fascinated by the human space flight in general. A Long duration space flight / distance transfer in light years and hibernation is a topic of his strong interest.


Production manager with international film experience and interests in film, advertisement, TV and cinematography.

His interests are in production of films and art pieces that have strong outreach impact and that are educative as well.

Particular interest in space exploration, innovative technologies and pushing the boundaries of human activates are base for development of his new age / innovative movies and documentaries. He is great supporter of space exploration in general as well as affordable and democratic possibilities to travel to space.


production manager works, feature films 1992 - 2000

1999 Bohemians – feature film by Rafael Zielinski, production services in CZ

2000 Dark Blue World - feature film by Jan Sverak – international production CZ,

SR, UK, SA, NL, GER - CZ production and postproduction manager

plus 25short films and 43 TV commercials and 6 musíc videos

Production manager works, feature films 2001 – 2014

2002 Girlie - feature film by Benjamin Tucek – CZ

2002 Romeo and Juliette - TV film opera – CZ production service for BBC, UK

2003 Hitler: The Rise of Evil – 2piece TV series for CNBC – CZ visual effects

supervisor, postproduction manager

2004 Lovers and killers

2004 Frank Ghery´s Scetches - documentary film by Sydney Pollack, production

services in CZ

2006 Rafters – feature teenage comedy – CZ executive producer

2010 Westernstory – feature comedy – CZ producer

2012 Cyril and Methodius – 4piece TV series and feature film - international

production CZ, SR, IT, RUS, PL – CZ executive producer

2013 Sarajevo – TV film – CZ unit manager, for ORF Austria

2014 Princess and scribe – christmas TV fairytale - CZ executive

producer/production manager, for Czech TV

Plus 5short films and 52x TV commercials – production manager


Zdeněk Janacek is a founder and a director of The NYASA FILMS INTERNATIONAL (NFI), a Prague-based non-profit organization that was created to support film education and self-expression of malawian artists through cinema and encourage them in their activities in case of positive social changes. Because there is no film school in Malawi, NFI started pioneering workshops as the beginning of a film school. NFI priorities authentic and impactful expressions. NFI co-produced B'ella, a trailblazing feature movie in malawian film history, which was successful in Malawi as well as at international film festivals, showcasing at no less than 10 film festival worldwide, and “The Designer”, directed by Dikamawoko’s 16 year-old Chimwemwe Mkwezalamba, an actress who played second-main female role in B'ella, won 2013 Best emerging director award at Silicon Valley Film Festival.

He has very positive and supportive relation to human endeavors, human exploration via film and art culture. He would personally like to participate in human spaceflight mission. He likes challenges of pushing thresholds of human activities not only in extreme environments and he hopes that his film and art work will motivate and educate people about new horizons.

His products were shown in international festivals:

Africa in Motion (Scotland)

Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZANZIBAR)

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (CZECH REPUBLIC)

Bergen International Film Festival (Norway)

Silicon Valley African Film Festival (CALIFORNIA, USA)

Göteborg International Film Festival (SWEDEN)

Luxor African Film Festival (Egypt)

nepal cine symposium (slff, networks south asian cinema)





Actor, choreograph, and professor of acting at Alternative and Puppets Theatre at DAMU Theatre Academy in Prague. She is a professor at New York University in Prague. She taught in US universities in Texas at University of San Antonio and New Mexico, University of Albuquerque. Her focus is in physical theatre (based on activities and literature). She is actor in TV films and series. She is representing Czech Republic in Identity Block international and intercultural arts project. Her main focus in is theatre performance and unique actor-audience experience and her interest in film is background and second plan activities.