
Crew 160 Journalist Report Sol 14

January 9, 2016

Cassandra Vella

As we gather around to prepare our final goodbyes to the Hab, we are all very happy to welcome Crew 161 aboard. We`ve prepared our own breakfasts again this morning and set out to clean, clean, clean the Hab. Marc and Hiroki took plenty of final photos around the Hab while we packed up as well so that we could remember the lovely spaced we`ve stayed in these past two weeks. They`re probably going to take many more photos before we head out as we`re all eagerly awaiting the homeward bound travels we`ll be enduring soon.

Lunch consists of some more of our own creations today along with a last group sit down with pizza. As we all waited for the new crew`s arrival, we`ve shared our favorite memories and what we`ve each gained from our stay here. We were all impressed by what we each have shared today and hope the absolute best wishes and safety to crew 161.

Dinner with the new crew tonight will be a nice, big carb feast with plenty of social icebreakers and passing of knowledge. We`re all really excited to meet the new crew, especially since it`s the first different personal reactions we`ll be seeing after these fascinating two weeks. We wish Crew 161 as best a stay that we`ve had here at the Mars Desert Research Station and I have to say I wish I could come back to see this beautiful place again sometime.

Stay copper, Mars, stay copper.

Bon Voyage,

Crew 160 from Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University now signing off:

Cassandra Vella, Journalist

John Herman, Crew Biologist and Health and Safety Officer

Hiroki Sugimoto, GreenHab Officer

Marc Carofano, Crew Engineer

Lycourgos Manolopoulos, Crew Commander

Ashley Hollis-Bussey, Executive Officer