
EVA Number: Crew 160

EVA #11 Summary Report

EVA Date: 7th Jan 2016

Executive Officer Reporting

Purpose of EVA: Locate and document Piccard’s Butte and conduct the engineering checklist.

0Location of EVA: 12S-521300E-4251300N (Piccard’s Butte)

Number of EVA Crew: 4

Crew Members going on EVA: Cassandra, Hiroki, John, Marc


- ATV 1 Used: Yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: Yes

- ATV 4 Used: no

ATV time usage: .20 hours

Duration of EVA: ~.45 Hours

EVA departure time: 1153

EVA return time: 1239

Time Checks:

- None. The crew had to shorten the EVA because of storm clouds coming in.

Summary: We located the Piccard’s Butte and surrounding landmarks. ATVs in use were fully functional. Within 10 minutes of the EVA the crew decided to end the exploration due to heavy storm clouds coming in. Engineering check went according to plan and was an overall success in crew getting back to Hab safely.