
EVA Report:

EVA#6 with ATV 1 and 4

Crew members: Mohammad Iranmanesh (EVA leader), and Mehdi Scoubeau

Location: “Stacy’s Cake” (12s-519965E-4250992.5N)

Duration: 2 hours


- Project CRV (Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle):

o Scouting to a location used by previous crews with the same vehicle.

o Looking for the right place to conduct the experiment

HABCOM: Susan Jewell

9:50 EVA leaved Airlock

10:06 Engineering Check Complete

10:20 EVA Departs

10:45 Checkin with EVA#6

11:00 EVA arrives at first site (Stacy’s Cake)

11:20 Check-in with EVA#6

11:40-12:15 No radio answer

12:23 EVA Checkin OK. Returning to Hab

12:31 EVA arrives back to HAB


Because of wind, the UAV was not used contrary to what was planned.

The CRV was hard to attach to the ATV and we had to stop to make sure it was holding well several times on the road. ATV#4 also turned off at some point but turned ON again easily.

The road was very bumpy. CRV was damaged on the way (wheels were out of shape). We decided not to use it and only scout the area.

We came back to the HAB from the South to avoid the bumpy road.

The EVA lasted a bit longer than planned but fortunately we still had battery left on the backpacks. Because we were late, the ATV’s were not refueled.

Radio with HABCOM was lost for 30min for unknown reasons.