
Astronomy Report

Date of exercise: 11APR2016

Astronomer: Otsmar J. Villarroel

Sky conditions: partly cloudy

Wind conditions: Calm

Observation Start Time: 9:23 p.m.

Observation End Time: 10:45 p.m.


The last night exercise was performed with the idea of getting familiar with the use of the telescope and the automatic system. The opening/closing protocols were followed as described in the manual. Two stars alignment as well as four stars calibration was successfully completed. Once the alignment and calibration procedures were concluded, Jupiter was chosen as a target for practicing the use of the three lenses, ROBOFOCUS, and handcontrol.

For tonight it is expected to observe Jupiter to identify some of its moons with the idea of tracking some transits and occultations. The main plan is to track the Jupiter’s Galilean moons over the rest of my stay at the MDRS as well as take some pictures of these events.

Last night during the orientation exercise I tried to observe some bright stars using the handcontrol database, however, it requested a catalog code. Please advise where those codes can be found.

Problems encountered:

As described by the Astronomer Dakota Clayton previously the power for the dome and shutter controls were sluggish. I am aware of mission support is already working on it and new batteries are about to arrive soon this week to be replaced. Please advise when those batteries would be here and please instruct if you want us to replace them.

Objects Viewed:

Sirius, Capella, Spica, Merak, Alkaid, Arcturus, and Jupiter.