
Commander Report Crew 166:

Mathieu Roiseux

Sol 3

Earth date: 23/03/16

This morning we ate our breakfast then I deliver the envelope to the

three crewmembers designed for the Heidi experiment. They all agree to


The EVA planned this morning occurred normally and the ATVs made their

job. The team on EVA used them for the first time because it were the

first experiments made more than a mile away from the HAB. It allow us

to place emitters along the road that we may use in further ATV use.

The maximum range of the antenna and the communication relay were

tested, too. The crew geologist continue to save data about the

altitude to obtain enough information about his experiment.

After the return of the team which was in exploration, we eat rice

with chicken and beans. The afternoon was peaceful. Around 4:30 pm we

tried to start the NorCal Rover to help the engineer during his

routine check. When we started the CPU, some smoke appears and we shut

it down quickly. We tried again with other batteries and this time no

problem occurred. However we decided to not using the Rover before

having a better understanding of what it happened.

Tonight the sky will be less cloudy and the crew astronomer Nadine

expects to start her experiment. I will assist her. The start of this

experiment is the reason why we plan to go on EVA tomorrow afternoon

and not before lunch as usual.

We had a small lack of electricity around 5:00. To prepare this

dinner, we looked in the food provided at the start of our rotation

and it seems that a part of it is expired. We found wraps dated from

FEB 24 16 16 21. As we are not use to this kind of date we don’t know

if we can eat them.

From Crew 166; MDRS Martian Outpost

Crew Commander


Semper Altius