
Date: Dec 25th 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Chiara Cocchiara

Diesel – 35 %

Propane –50 psi

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 5

Water (trailer) measured in cm from the bottom– 0 cm

Water (static) measured in cm from the top – 23 cm

Trailer to Static Pump used – no

Water (loft) – 10

Static to Loft Pump used - yes

Water Meter: 012574.63

Atv # Oil Checked: 0

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: 1/3

Atv # Tires Status: 0

Atv # Hours Used Day: 1 Hour

Atv # Notes And Comments: 0

Summary of Engineering activities:

Everything looks fine from the Engineering Checks

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support:

We noticed that spacesuit number 3 has the oxygen tube broken and it is taped for attaching it to the helmet. It has always been like this we noticed only now. But it shall be replaced when possible.

Moreover, due to the strong wind, the GreenHab zipper is broken, which means that the GreenHab is open all the time.