
Commander’s Report


Daniel Rivas

What is more unusual than having a birthday on Mars?

Hello Mission Support,

Yesterday at night, Crew 150 gathered to design a renewable energy generator. Ideas went and come from everyone and we started to build an interesting project; a generator to maintain the Hab warm.

In the morning we had to cancel the EVA’s simulation to Morrison Formations to recollect soil samples, because was snowing, so the Hab was cleaned.

Jibaja, as a daily routine, has been measuring the water level of her Planting Camote’s project to know and analyze how stems have been growing. Castillo was watering the plants of the GreenHab and past Crews projects. I was modifying some parameters of the electronic system of my feline exoskeleton.

After lunch, Cruz was analyzing soil samples, while the other crewmembers were debating and working on a generator mockup with materials found near the station. I hope tomorrow it will be finished and proved.

Yesterday at midnight, my crew friends wished me Happy Birthday: we were talking and laughing in the Hab. They are amazing friends and I love them. I have to say that is very strange when is your birthday and you are looking through the windows and you feel that you are everywhere but not in the Earth.

Now we are preparing pizza, so I have to leave you but before… I think life is not measured in years, but in those moments you smile: and I smile every day.

Someday I could say to my sons that I had my birthday on Mars, because dreams come true when you expect something and this “something” turn into an objective. Then only happens.

Best wishes!