
MDRS Daily Summary Report

Sol 9 1/18/2016

Long Walk.

Executive Officer Adeniyi Adebayo Reporting

Mission Status: Research projects are on track and mission is going on smoothly.

Sol Activity Summary: The highlight of SOL 9 was EVA #7. Commander Divya Shankar led a team of four to the Lower Blue Hills to collect soil samples and analyze the surrounding regolith. Evening was devoted to individual research projects: plant growth studies and robotics. Crew biologist, Natalia Glazkova, is satisfied with the growth results of the radishes and the beans.

Look Ahead Plan: An EVA is planned for tomorrow to test robots.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies to report

Weather: The Martian sky was cloudy today with a chilly weather.

Crew Physical Status: All crew members are hale and hearty!

EVA: EVA activity was successful. Soil around the Lower Blue Hills was analyzed and collected for further studies.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

EVA #7 report

Daily Summary Report

Journalist Report

Biologist Report

Engineering Report

EVA #8 request

Astronomer’s report

Support Requested: No support is requested