
MDRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 4, 11/11/15

The Radiation Retreat

Today was another great day on Mars. Sol Activity Summary: (What did you learn/do today?)

After breakfast, we had lectures and group discussion on radiation illness and it’s implications in space travel, then a photographic tour of life in Star City, Kazakstan, an exploration of gender issues in space, and then an intro to celestial navigation. After a group lunch, we embarked on an EVA in search of evidence of ancient Martians. We did encounter some Canadian extraterrestrials north of the Hab working with their Martian rover. Our simulation scenario for the day involved an urgent evacuation after reports of an impending solar storm that would potentially wreak havoc on EVA team and the Hab. While the Hab team prepared proper cover from radiation exposure, the EVA team improvised a shelter for protection from the radiation outside of the Hab. We will continue our daily routine tomorrow with didactics, book club, and EVA. No issues today. We received mattresses for the Hab today.


The weather has been great today. The skies have been clear, temperature mild.

Crew Physical Status:

No issues to date.

Reports to be filed: (List them)

Engineering, XO, Journalist, Commander, EVA

Support Requested:

Water reportedly will be delivered tomorrow. Resupply critical at this time, as we anticipate approximately 24 hrs left of water.

ATV gas canister refill needed.

Trash trailer is somewhat overflowing. Some bags are getting blown off the trailer in high winds.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kyle Brown

Executive Officer, MDRS Crew 156