
> Commander Report

> Mehdi Scoubeau

> 03/03/2016


> Dear Earth,


> Sol 11 was a busy day. Two EVAs were conducted and hence

> every crew members got a chance to go outside either in the

> morning or the afternoon. This morning sortie concluded the

> experiment with the Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle experiment

> with a test down a steep cliff in the eastern canyon. Back

> around the Hab, the Atmospheric Opacity device recorded data

> during the whole EVA. In the afternoon, the geology

> apprentices of the crew conducted the Rock Mass Rating

> experiment once again, in a more suitable location. They are

> confident it will yield even better results. These EVAs were

> also an opportunity to test out two different frequencies on

> the radios in order to confirm that one has a longer range

> than the other.


> It was interesting to see than even after two weeks of

> simulation (and even four weeks for some of us) we are still

> coming up with some ideas of experiments and improvements

> when a particular situation occurs during an EVA.


> The late afternoon tea time was devoted to determine the

> schedule for tomorrow which will be an even busier day since

> we have to do a food inventory, tidy up and clean the Hab,

> while at the same time saving some time to finish our

> experiments and record some PR videos.


> Still one day to go and we are all determined to stay focus

> till the end and achieve as much as we can in the time

> remaining in front of us. Time ran out really quickly here

> and even if a Martian day is longer than a Terrestrial one,

> we still wish we had more time.


> See you soon, Earth!




> Crew 164