

SOL: 7

Person filling out Report: Mohammad IRANMANESH, XO

Summary Title: Talking Space Around a Slice of Pizza.

Mission Status: All systems GO.

Sol Activity Summary: Exploration EVA with ATV and MOMA experiment. The crew had the afternoon to rest and mid rotation project results were shared by each PI to the rest of the crew. Next week EVAs were planned accordingly. Posting mid-rotation video on Google Drive.

Look Ahead Plan: Crew overly excited for pizza night. Geology EVA tomorrow. Some EVA's need rescheduling based on the crew science project completion level.

Anomalies in work: /

Weather: Hot day, cloudy afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: The crew feels great.

EVA: Problem with ATV 4 gearbox. East from the South Fork scouting for canyons. Beautiful martian landscape.

Reports to be filed:

- Commander report

- Engineering report

- Journalist report

- EVA #7 report

- EVA #8 request

Support Requested: /