
Hello world! Today is the first day for Crew 146 at MDRS. Our team

consists of Commander Nick Orenstein, Crew Engineer Dmitry Smirnov,

Health and Safety Officer Helen Antoniades, and Artist-in-Residence

Elizabeth Shores. After staying overnight with team 145 and enjoying a

wonderful pasta dinner, we started early this morning by taking a tour

of the nearby rock formations. We then bid farewell to Crew 145 this

afternoon before settling in to our quarters. After lunch, we were

briefed by Nick who gave us the Commander’s Report, describing what we

will be doing for the next two weeks at MDRS. We then cleaned up the

HAB a little and started to inventory our supplies. Afterwards, we

tested out the ATVs, and drove nearby to scout out possible future EVA

locations. After hiking to a nearby ridge to watch the sunset, we

returned to the HAB and presented the projects that we will be

completing during our stay here. Ending a great first day with dinner

and conversation.