
Commander Report Crew 167A:

April Andreas

Sol 4

Earth date: 04/06/16

Breakfast was long-awaited pancakes. It was pandemonium. Syrup flying over Beechner’s head, Amanda fighting for reconstituted apples, dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.

When that was over, Amanda, Jesse, and Dakota went on EVA #6, which is the Chemistry EVA. The crew traveled over to Candor to sample sites and look for water for possible collection and analysis back at the hab. Alas, there was no water to be found. I’ll lead a team out the day after next to try again.

Back at the hab, Clark made brownies from scratch, which was astonishing to those of us who have only seen brownies magically appear out of a restaurant kitchen, with ice cream on top. Did you know they come out of an oven and you can use flour and Nesquik to make such delicious goodness?

Beechner made fantastic progress on his 3D Blender model. He’s got all the bunks and desks made and has decent progress on the science area on the first floor as well. He also worked with the 3D printer.

I continue my reign over 167A with a firm hand and gentle understanding. As with every true leader, my decisions are accepted without question, and no one ever talks back. Except Amanda, who may get “accidentally” left outside the airlock tomorrow.

All is well, and we look forward to another day on Mars!

From Crew 167A; MDRS Martian Outpost

Crew Commander


Per Aspera Ad Astra Cum Mordacitas Et Gaudium