
Hi Mission Support,

Sol Summary Report (SSR) for 02 April 2016

SOL: Not anymore in sim…

Person filling out Report: Bertrand Steenput

Summary Title: Crew 166 to ground control: Reentering Earth atmosphere!

Mission Status: running on the CAT, All the other systems are nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Last full day in the Hab, crew 166 is a little bit sad because the sim ended. Today we woke up early to clean the base. It is crazy the amount of sand from the desert that came in it! Crew 167 arrived at 1 pm, wright in time to have a nice handover. After the serious stuff, everyone had the occasion to use Sandstorm the rover! This evening we have make pizza for the both crew, just to impress them…

It will be our last night on Mars, so we will cherish it!

Goodbye Mission Support, it was a pleasure to work with you!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: sunny and warm.

Look ahead plan: Going back home, and leaving the hab in good hand with crew 167

Crew Physical Status: Physical status OK

EVA: None

Reports to be filed:

- Commander Report

- Engineering Report

- Journalist Report

- Sol Summary Report

Support Requested: None[Mission Support] Crew 166 Sol Summary Report 02April2016