
Crew 161

EVA #8 Summary Report

EVA Date: 19th Jan 2016

Crew Engineer Mikhail Khmelik Reporting

Purpose: To test the tracks of robot tank on the region we selected in today’s EVA

Location: 12S-518206E-4253574N

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Crew Members on EVA: Mikhail Khmelik, Natalia Glazkova, Adeniyi Adebayo


- ATV 1 Used: Yes

- ATV 2 Used: No

- ATV 3 Used: Yes

- ATV 4 Used: No

- RED ATV used: Yes

ATV time usage: 1.00 Hours

Duration of EVA: 1 hour 40 min

EVA departure time: 11.00

EVA return time: 12.40

Time Checks:

- 11.10am - ATV start

- 11.20am - Lost communication with HAB

- 11.35am - Robot tested

- 11.45am - Continue exploring

- 12.20pm - Return to the HAB

- 12.40pm - Entered the HAB

Coordinate Checks:

- 12S-518905-4250977 - Comm lost

- 12S-518206-4203574 - Soil for the robotic arm

Summary: Robot test successful. The motors are powerful enough to drive on the desired soil. Looks like the soil collector will work as well. Tomorrow we will run full test of a robot.