
Hello Mission Support!

Sol Summary Report (SSR) for 06APR2016

SOL: 4

Person filling out Report: Amanda Sansom

Summary Title: My belly button is really really something”

Mission Status: Loving life on Mars and staying on top of objectives!

Sol Activity Summary:

Sol 4 on Mars has been quite an adventure. We began the day with Adele, songs about belly buttons, and bringing some Pop Culture into this group. Clark made us a yummy batch of pancakes this morning! After breakfast Jesse, Dakota, and Amanda headed out for the Chemistry EVA and to collect samples for their research. Martian antelope were encountered on the journey!! After the long journey, Clark made lunch and SPACE BROWNIES! The afternoon was spent with a little R&R and bonding before time for reports.

Daily lessons:

1. Pancakes are better on Mars

2. There is life out there

3. Hoodoos are terrific

4. Crew 167A is in great spirits after some chocolate!!

Anomalies in work: Long walks and hot days on Mars

Weather: We’re hot then we’re cold

Look ahead plan: Tunes by Clark in the AM. Also, the mystery EVA (better known as RMR EVA)

Crew Physical Status: Healthy, Happy, and full of brownies!

EVA: It’s a surprise for science and education!

Amanda Sansom

Chemist and HSO