
Final Commander Summary Report

Mehdi Scoubeau



Crew 164, the MDRS Supaero Crew is comprised of six students from ISAE-Supaero, a leading French Aerospace Engineering school in France. Mohammad Iranmanesh and Mehdi Scoubeau, former Crew 151 members gathered a team with people of complementary skills among the students of the school and these are: Camille Gontier, Jérémy Rabineau, Louis Maller and Arthur Lillo. Together, they worked on many and varied experiments in Technologies, Human Factors, Earth Sciences, Astronomy… in a simulated Martian base that they helped keep in a good shape.

Our Experiments:

During twelve days filled with more than fourteen EVAs, the crew worked on different experiments both inside and outside the Hab. These scientific projects were prepared during one year by the students of the team and their colleagues at the ISAE-Supaero Engineering School in France. Almost all the fields were covered: technologies, exploration, earth science, human factors, astronomy… Camille Gontier recorded his mind wandering during activities inside and outside the Hab; Jérémy Rabineau tested a health and meal tracking app that will soon be sent to the ISS; Mohammad Iranmanesh implemented an enhanced payload on a Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle; Louis Maller managed to improve the EVA experience thanks to AR glasses; Arthur Lillo observed several objects of the Stellar Evolution Observing Program; and Mehdi Scoubeau took measurement to deduce the opacity of the atmosphere with a homemade LED photometer. More information on each of those experimentations can be found in the End-of-Mission Summary.

Other People Projects:

It is also very interesting to work on somebody else experiment in order to see if her/his protocol can be easily followed by scientist minds. In that context, the crew worked on two outside projects. Firstly they served as guinea pig for a geology experiment proposed by Heidi Beemer. The geologist apprentices of the crew did a very good job following the procedures and gathering relevant data.

Secondly, the crew used the NorCal rover to drive around the Hab and assist the astronauts on EVA from the inside. Some range tests were also conducted and these showed the need for a wifi repeater.

In both cases, only a few email exchanges with the principal investigators were needed to fully understand the use and procedures.

Engineering and Repairs:

During its rotation, the crew noticed a broken plastic part in the loft water pump. With CapCom authorization, they designed a similar piece using CAO and printed it with the 3D printer inside the Hab. The repair was a success and a first at MDRS. The water pump is now functioning well with a 3D printed part that will last longer since it is even more resistant.

Also, being a crew full of engineers, the crew could not resist fixing and improving three helmets and repairing two malfunctioning backpack, enabling more people to go on EVA.

EVA Procedures Discussions:

Some discussions on the EVA security and time management lead the crew to re-precise several of the protocols and raised the question if an EVA procedures manual on which everybody agrees beforehand and that ensures the safety AND efficiency of every outside activities should be introduced. Anyway, those talks will enable the junior crewmembers to better prepare next year mission.

Media and Education Outreach:

Crew 164 had a quite impressive impact in the French media. Before the departure of the mission, the crewmembers appeared in five different TV and radio news channels and a dozen of newspapers. During the mission, a reporter from Canal+, a leading French channel came to the MDRS to film a documentary on the MDRS Supaéro Crew. Lastly, the crew is expecting several interviews when they will come back to Earth.

Moreover, during the rotation, a lecture on Mars Analogue Missions was held by Association Planète Mars (the French Chapter of the Mars Society) at the ISAE-Supaéro in front of wide audience of interested students.


Dear Earth,

Last EVA today was aimed at doing the last tests of range for the NorCal rover and the radio repeater. The last measurements for the opacity experiment were also recorded. The sky was amazing for our last EVA and it was a pleasure to share that moment with two of my crewmembers.

Cleaning and packing can be done quickly and efficiently if you work together in a musical and cheerful atmosphere. And this is exactly what we did. We are now ready to hand the Station over to crew 165 tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning at 5 am, the crew will wake up in order to enjoy the view of the night sky of Utah and use the telescope one last time. A beautiful sunrise on the desert is also awaiting us as well as a fresh breeze… or at least this is how we picture it.

See you tomorrow, Earth.