
Daily Summary Report


HSO Philippe A. Souvestre

SOL: 2

Second in Command: Nicholas Jewell

Summary Title [< 10 words]

Our first Martian EVA Mission was a success

MISSION STATUS: [How are things going?]

Overall, Mission status is evolving well as planned

Morning briefings focused on

  1. Water system issues and in-Hab countermeasures available

  2. EVA spacesuit downing/duffing procedures

  3. Mission planning for the day re

    1. 0800 - Breakfast/Crew tasks and duties

    2. Water system Logistics schedules review re crew showers, dish washing, loft tank maintenance

    3. EVA of the day led by Emmy Ip Jewell with Nicolas Ip Jewell and Ilaria Cinelli

    4. 1030 - EVA prepwork and sortie

    5. 1230 - Lunchtime/EVA debrief

    6. Hab cleaning and tidiness teamwork

    7. UAV trial prepwork

    8. 1400 - Reports writing

    9. Briefing re day shared with Jupiterian/media visitors

    10. Weather station identification and use

    11. 2100 - Crew group meditation/yoga after CapCom tonight

  4. Mission planning for the week re

    1. Review and initial arrangement of planned pre-IRB submission pilot projects

    2. Jupiterian/media visits tomorrow SOL3 and SOL5

    3. Social time schedule

  1. Mission planning for the remaining time of the mission

    1. Review and further arrangement of planned pre-IRB submission pilot projects

    2. Creative crew brainstorming and group reflection time schedule

SIM Hab and Crew preparedness and actions went well as expected.

Sol Activity Summary: [What did you learn/do today?]

Pre-Breakfast loft water pump activation

Donning /duffing spacesuit

EVA airlock decompression process

Look Ahead Plan:

  1. How are you going to follow up?

Several systematic checks are planned ahead of time, and we will abide by the timelines as we planned them.

Prepwork and Meetings with Jupiterian/media visitors thru briefings and testing creative scenarios

  1. What is the plan for tomorrow?

Film crew visiting from Jupiter will spend the day with us.

Submitted UAV operational testing and study will be using EVA 2 of this SIM

Anomalies and any problems in work:

No hot water available and dysfunctional toilet are the two essential issues at this point in time

Weather: Dry cold sunny blue skies. Solid ice and frost only, no snow.

Crew Physical Status: Everyone is in excellent condition

EVA: where did you go?

Mid-morning, EVA crew spend one hour and half including respectively 45 and 30 minutes to reach out Oyster Fossils Site nearby the Hab and return from it, which they visited and worked on for 15 minutes.

Reports to be file: [List them]




EVA request

Daily Summary Report

Support Requested:

Water heating

Toilet flush repair