Crew 133

Since graduating with a BS in Physics in 1998, Paula has been a research and development scientist working in satellite sensor calibration and data analysis. Additionally, in February through October of 2007 she was a Research Associate at McMurdo Station, Antarctica launching a series of ozonesondes to collect data on the ozone hole as it forms throughout the winter. While there she was delighted to observe how different living with a small, isolated group in an extreme environment was, socially and psychologically. Her experience in Antarctica inspired a return to school and she is now pursing an MS in Space Studies at University of North Dakota to study both human factors of space exploration and remote sensing of the cryosphere. She was a member of MDRS Crew 119 in December 2012 and Crew 124 in February 2013 where she began an EVA helmet temperature study as part of her thesis work.

Paula spends most of her free time outdoors year-round. She competes in orienteering races and sprint triathlons, snorkels New England’s coastline, and hikes or snowshoes the many trails of New England’s interior. She is a certified Wilderness First Responder.

A lifelong bachelor, Gordon resides in Manhattan. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing, photography, music, hiking, languages, and reading. He is an avid New York sports fan. He has also visited all fifty states and forty four countries on six continents for both work and pleasure.


In 2009, after twenty nine years with IBM, Gordon decided to pursue his true dream of a career in planetary science. A child of the space age, Gordon grew up admiring the adventures of our astronauts in the race to the moon. He watched all of the Apollo launches and landings on TV and has witnessed three Space Shuttle launches live. At the University of Colorado, he was introduced to the formal study of astronomy and successfully completed a year of study there. He has also been fortunate enough to meet and speak with Astronauts Alan Bean (Apollo 12), Ken Mattingly (Apollo 16), and Gary Payton (STS-51C).

Gordon holds a B.A. from the University of Colorado in Economics and Political Science as well as an M.A. from The George Washington University in Educational Administration and Leadership. 1n 2011, Gordon graduated from the University of North Dakota with a M.S. in Space Studies. His thesis research focused on measuring the rotation period of twelve Main Belt Asteroids, seven of which had no previous measurements. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Aerospace Science at the University of North Dakota. His ultimate goal is to conducting full time research in the area of asteroids, work on a robotic mission to an asteroid, or teach.

During his work in the aerospace industry, Pedro learnt about satellites, their subsystems and how to operate them. His participation on seven satellite missions included post launch operations, deployments, transfer orbital coasting and geocentric orbit insertion. Testing ground station software at the validation lab added knowledge on On-Station Operations.

Right after graduation he joined the aerospace industry first as Software Engineer, and later as System Engineer where he obtained 3 certificates: One on System Engineer, one on Astronautical Engineer and one on Project Manager. Currently he is completing a Masters Degree on Space Studies at the University of North Dakota.


Pedro was born during the Apollo era; dreaming of one day being able to explore the cosmos. At the age of 15 his parents moved to Ventura, California where he attended high school and later on college. He moved to Los Angeles where commence a space oriented carrier after obtaining a Bachelors degree in Physics from the University of Loyola Marymount.

Pedro likes hiking, swimming, biking, participate on 5K races and mostly, he likes to keep himself informed on the latest in Astronomy by constantly visiting and the NASA websites.

After obtaining a journalism degree (focusing in science) from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, Elizabeth earned her M.Sc. Space Studies from the University of North Dakota in 2012. She is now pursuing her Ph.D. in Aerospace Sciences at UND, which -- just like her masters -- she is taking by distance. Elizabeth spends her spare time and money travelling, visiting all the space museums and sites that she can in her journeys.

Elizabeth's work regularly appears in outlets such as, LiveScience, Universe Today, the NASA Lunar Science Institute, NASA Astrobiology Magazine, Space Exploration Network and several other space- and science-related publications. Elizabeth also handles communications for Astronomers Without Borders, and has appeared as a commentator on CBC's The Nature of Things.


Elizabeth Howell first became interested in space after watching the movie Apollo 13 as a teenager. From there, she's been lucky enough to participate in several space-related experiences; this MDRS mission will be her first Mars simulation. Some of her past career highlights include reporting on three shuttle launches, performing live interviews with astronauts who were on the International Space Station, and attending the Canadian landing party for astronaut Chris Hadfield in 2013.

Worked as Aircraft Technician in New Mexico, specializing in Major structural rebuild, and composite experimental aircraft, building two Experimental aircraft in the 1990's, and flew for a hobby. Worked in the Former Soviet Union in the IT industry as a translator and project manager. Returned to working Stateside and in 2008 started own business building and designing conceptual spacecraft miniatures for museums, private collectors and film. Completed B.S. degree at Pima Community College and Mohave Community College (Arizona), and University of North Dakota, studying in the fields of paleo-anthropology, planetary geology, space science and bio-psychology. Took the UND GIS Master's Certificate Program as an undergrad. Currently working on a Master's degree in Space Suit and Environmental Systems design at UND Aerospace, and is the sole designer and builder of the Hybrid Planetary Pressure Suit using bio-medical technology and advanced composite materials as thesis project.


Grew up in the United States, Africa, and the Middle East attending international schools abroad. Gained a passion for all things space after watching first science fiction films “Silent Running” and 2001: A Space Odyssey” as a child. Attended Kansas City Community College, Butler County Community College and 2 years at Wichita State University studying Astronomy, Physics and Law.

Hobbies include astrophotography, robotics, and hominid forensic cranial and facial reproduction.

Interested in machine learning, his topic of interest is in developing medical care techniques and autonomous medical assistance tools for space exploration and extreme environments.

During his rotation at MDRS, besides being the crew Health and Safety Officer, he will conduct general anesthesia simulations using an innovative physiological model. Not much is known about anesthesia delivery in space and this research has the potential to help closing this critical gap as well as raise awareness about space medicine and the Mars Society.


Matthieu recently obtained his medical doctorate with specialization in anesthesiology and critical care in Lille, France. His doctoral thesis evaluated the prognosis of critical and surgical illnesses during a mission to Mars and the impact of different onboard medical systems.

During his residency, he spent more than a year and a half working at the European Space Agency (European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany) and NASA JSC. Another edifying experience was to practice anesthesia in the remote Siberian city of Yakutsk, in the winter of 2012.