Work-Life Balance: What Is It, Why It's Important & How To Practice It?

Work-Life Balance

One of the most trending topics right now is ‘work-life balance’.

The reason being that, most people are now valuing money more than they value their personal life.

For this reason, they're now spending most of their time on their grind – leaving little to no time for personal life.

Thus, it's important to address this issue – since most people are experiencing a lot of stress, depression & anxiety due to poor work-life balance.

In this post, l will quickly discuss about what is work-life balance, why it's important – and how you can start practicing it in your own life.

Thus, read till the end if you're interested in this topic.

What Is Work-Life Balance?

In simple terms, it refers to the rational allocation of time between productive tasks (work) and non-productive tasks (leisure).

It's important to have a balance between your career and your personal life – because if there's an imbalance, you might incur a lot of challenges like detoriating health, high stress levels, depression, anxiety, etc.

For example, if you spend 16 hours every day working, your body & mind might become exhausted – thus, leading to poor health conditions.

Not only that, but you'll lose your social relations – since you wont have much time to socialise with your friends and family.

Thus, you might end up losing your loved ones if you're too committed to your grind.

However, we should also look at work-life balance from a different angle i.e. there's people who spends more time on leisure than they do at their work.

This situation can also be dangerous – since it might negatively affect your business/work progress – thus, leading to brokenness.

Thus, it's also important to allocate appropriate time to your work/business – rather than just flexing 24/7.

The key to a great work-life balance is to allocate appropriate amounts of time to each of them – so that you can have a stable state of wellbeing.

Why Is Work-Life Balance Important?

• It helps to reduce stress, depression & anxiety

• It helps to strengthen your social relations

• It helps to get work done – whilst at the same time, finding time for pleasure

How To Practice Work-Life Balance?

To be honest, it's difficult to achieve an ideal work-life balance state – due to external factors beyond our control.

For example, if you work a 9 to 5 job, your employer might call you during your off-day – and ask you to do a certain task.

Obviously, you wont say no to his/her orders – since he/she's your superior.

But the thing is, you'll divert your personal time towards doing some work related tasks – which messes up your work-life balance.

Thus, it's difficult to fully achieve an ideal work-life balance i.e. due to some factors beyond our control.

But these are some of the things that you can do to improve your work-life balance:

• Set a viable schedule i.e. if you're self employed

• Take vacations

• Organise family meetups

• Participate in social events (e.g. sports)

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much ‘everything' on the topic of work-life balance.

It's important to start practicing work-life balance – so that you wont lose your health & social relations.


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