How To Get More Followers On Instagram: 5 Organic Strategies To Beat The Algorithm

How To Get More Followers On Instagram

Looking for ways to grow your Instagram account.

If so, then this post is for you!

In this article, l will share with you – 5 great organic strategies which you can use to grow your Instagram account.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me quickly explain each of them.

1. Optimise Your Profile For SEO

The first important step is to optimise your profile for SEO.

The reason being that, Instagram uses an algorithm – which analyses keywords on your profile in order to better understand your account.

This helps the algorithm to show your content to people who might be interested in your content i.e. people who're interested in those topics.

Thus, it's important to optimise your profile from the word go – so as to increase your odds of ranking.

For example, if you’re a fitness coach, you should write this in your bio section i.e. using the right keywords for your profession.

When people search for fitness coaches on the Instagram search bar, your account has the potential to show-up on the results.

Thus, it's important to include your keywords in your bio section – so as to increase your chances of ranking.

Still on the issue of profile, it's important to keep your profile nice & clean – since this entice people to follow your account.

No one likes to follow an account that is just scruffy – thus, it's important to clean-up your profile every now and then.

2. Write High Converting Captions

Another important thing is to write highly converting captions.

You must include some mini descriptions on your posts – so as to provide more information to your audience.

When people see an image, they might fail to understand the real meaning behind it – since people interprets images differently.

However, when they read your captions, they will understand your post better – thus, they'll connect with you better.

And some of them might end up following your account – since they might resonate with your content.

3. Mix & Rotate Hashtags

Another important thing is to mix & rotate your hashtags.

When l say mix, l mean you should try to include both niche and broad hashtags.

The reason being that, niche hashtags helps to reach a more specific audience – which helps to get in front of people who're interested in a specific topic.

Broad hashtags on the other hand are important – since they help to reach a more broader audience – thus, expanding your reach.

Then when it comes to rotation, it helps to try-out different hashtags – so as to see which ones works best for your content.

This helps to explore new opportunities – hence, growing your account in the process.

Another thing to mention is that, if you use the same hashtags over and over again, your account might look spammy – thus, Instagram might supress your reach.

But if you rotate your hashtags, Instagram will view your account as legit – thus, its algorithm will work in your favour.

4. Community Engagement

Another important practice is community engagement.

If you engage with other people's content, they might engage with yours as well.

This helps to get more likes and comments on your posts – which helps a lot with engagement levels.

And if you have good engagement rates, Instagram will show your content to more people – which might result in new followers.

Thus, community engagement is key as it helps to boost your account.

To make things easier, you can follow some specific hashtags related to your niche – thus, Instagram will show content related to that on your feed.

Thus, you'll end up connecting with people of similar interests.

But please, you must do this ethically – otherwise your account might get banned i.e. if you use some black hat methods.

5. Leverage TikTok

Last but not least, you must leverage TikTok.

I can’t stress enough how powerful this platform is – since there's a bigger room to reach more people on this platform.

It's ‘easier’ to reach more people on this platform – because its algorithm is a bit lenient.

Thus, you must tap into this platform – then drive traffic from TikTok to your Instagram account.

That way, you can grow your account much faster than just sorely relying on Instagram traffic.

Should You Buy Instagram Followers?

Most people are tempted to take the shortcut route of buying followers – since the genuine route takes time and work.

Thus, they're tempted to buy some followers – in order to grow much quicker.

But is it a good idea?

In my opinion, it's a very bad idea – and this might ruin your business if you're using your account for business purposes.

The reason being that, some of the followers might just be bots i.e. not real humans.

Thus, you might see a positive growth in terms of numbers – but those numbers might not be real.

That's where you’ll see someone with 500k followers – but only getting less than 100 likes on his/her posts.


Because most of the followers are not real humans who engage with your content.

Thus, it's better to have a small number of followers who engage with your content – than to have millions of followers who don't engage with your content.

At the end of the day, you need real customers who buys your products & services – thus, you need real humans to interact with.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you’ve gained a lot of value from this post, since l tried by all means to include some of the best strategies.

I hope that you'll use some of these strategies to grow your Instagram account – since these are proven to work.

Although it might take some time and work, you'll get positive growth in the long run i.e. if you stay consistent.

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