Blinkist Review: Is It Free?

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Are you sick and tired of reading 250 pager books?

And you're looking for a simple way to consume the information in less time?

If so, then the Blinkist App is what you need.

With this app, you can read book summaries in just a matter of few minutes – rather than spending weeks trying to read the whole book.

Blinkist allows you to read more books in less time – since you'll be consuming important points from the book rather the whole book.

Thus, this App is a great deal for people who don't have time to read huge books.

In this post, l will quickly answer some of the most common questions regarding this App.

I will try to be as transparent as possible – so that you'll subscribe to this app knowing what to expect.

Some of the questions includes:

Without wasting much time, let me dive into more detail.

What Is The Point Of Blinkist?

Ideally, Blinkist helps to read summarised versions of books, since this App tries by all means to condense huge books into 15 minutes (or less) summaries.

As we all know, reading a 250 paper book can take a week or two – depending on your reading skills.

However, not everyone has some spare time to sit down and read a book due to other competing priorities which also requires attention.

For this reason, some people might go for years without touching a single book.

However, if you have an App like Blinkist, you can read a book in a matter of few minutes – through text or audio versions.

This allows you to consume the core ideas of any book in less time.

How Does Blinkist Work?

Ideally, Blinkist offers some summarised versions of various books.

The Blinkist team is responsible for reading various books and they prepare summaries of those books.

The summaries are then uploaded to the App – thus, making them available to all users of this App.

This allows everyone to read those book summaries i.e. either text or audio versions.

Thus, if you're someone who don't have time to read huge books, you can literally utilise this App to consume the core ideas from those books.

The Blinkist App is available on both Play Store & App Store – thus, anyone can use this App.

Once you download it, simply log into the App and start searching for your favourite books.

Keep in mind that most books in this App are non-fiction – which might be a huge limitation for people who likes fiction books.

You can also choose to view the ‘trending’ books – to see what other users are also reading.

This gives you exposure to new books which you're not aware of.

Is Blinkist Free?

Blinkist offers a generous 7 day free trial.

This gives you access to most books in this App – hence giving you a taste of how the App works.

This trial period gives you enough time to decide whether this App is for you or not – depending on your needs.

If you feel like Blinkist is not for you, you can simply cancel your subscription during this trial period.

However, if you wish to use the App beyond the trial period, you might need to upgrade to their paid plans – which will be discussed in the next segment.

How Much Does Blinkist Cost?

Blinkist costs $15/month.

With this monthly subscription, you can get unlimited access to book summaries available in this App – hence you can choose whichever book you wish to read.

This price is almost the same price being charged by Netflix.

However, its a matter of choosing between education or entertainment i.e. one is an investment whilst the other is a liability.

Thus, it’s just a matter of trade-offs.

Keep in mind that you can get exclusive discounts if you go for the yearly subscription – rather than the monthly subscription.

The yearly subscription costs $100/year – which translates to around $8.33/month.

This will save you a ton of money since you'll be paying almost 55% of the normal monthly fee.

Is Blinkist Better Than Audible?

One of the old age questions is; which app is the best between Blinkist & Audible.

Audible is great if you want to listen to full audiobooks rather than just summaries.

On the contrary, Blinkist is great if you're looking for book summaries i.e. audio or text.

One thing which makes Audible better than Blinkist is the number of books available on this platform.

There is no doubt that Audible has dozens of books available on their platform – whilst Blinkist only has about 1 500 books.

Thus, Audible is far ahead when it comes to the amount of books.

But it all comes down to what you're looking for.

If you want book summaries, then Blinkist is great.

However, if you want full versions of audiobooks, then Audible is the best option.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post, since l tried by all means to summarise the core features of Blinkist.

Blinkist is a great App for people who likes to read more books in less time – since it provides condensed versions of huge books.

Thus, instead of spending weeks reading a single book, you can literally consume the key ideas of that book in 15 minutes or less.

Thus, l highly recommend you to check out this app.

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