How To Make $300/Day Online As A Teenager

How To Make $300/Day Online As A Teenager

So you're a broke teenager who's looking for ways to make money online?

And you've clicked on this article hoping to find some answers?

If so, then this post is for you!

In this post, l will quickly share with you some of the best ways which you can use to make money as a teenager.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Dropshipping

If you go on YouTube or Instagram more often, lm sure you've seen some screenshots of Shopify earnings i.e. from people who're making money from dropshipping.

And you know what's funny?

Most of those people are very young – but they are making some tremendous amounts of money.

The reason being that, this business model doesn’t care about your age or your background i.e. anyone can get started as long as you have a product to sell.

If you're not familiar with dropshipping, it's basically a business model whereby you find some cheap products in China & you advertise them on your Shopify store i.e. with a mark-up on top.

When a customer places an order, you then ask the supplier to ship the product directly to the customer’s location – and you keep the extra cash.

And you don't necessarily need to physically see or touch the product – since the product is shipped straight from the supplier to the customer.

Now you might be wondering;

‘How can l link with suppliers in China if I’m someone who lives in the other half of the planet?’

It's quite simple!

You can go to platforms like Alibaba & AliExpress – because most Chinese suppliers lists their offers on these platforms.

Thus, you can safely work with these suppliers whilst leveraging these platforms.

Now, keep in mind that, you might need some money in order to get started i.e. for inventory, packaging, branding, etc.

The reason being that, most of these products are generic/white label products – thus, you might need to customise them in order to add some value to them.

Thus, you must have some few money saved up before starting a dropshipping business.

But in a nutshell, dropshipping is still a great business model – and most young people are making a fortune from it.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Another great way to make money as a teenager is through a business model called affiliate marketing.

Basically, it's a business model whereby you partner with some of the biggest companies in the world – and you promote their products for commissions in return.

Most big companies have affiliate programs e.g. Apple, Nike, Amazon, Under Armour, Tesla, etc. – whereby they allow regular people like you & me to promote their products for some commissions.

Thus, instead of stressing about creating your own products, you can partner with an established company that's already known in the market.

Different companies pays different commissions – thus, you must analyse the commission structures before joining an affiliate program.

You should try to find companies that pays a higher pay-out – so that you can get rewarded significant amounts for your efforts.

What l like about this business model is that, it has low overheads i.e. you don't have to deal with manufacturing, shipping, inventory, customer support, etc. – since the company handles all of those things.

Rather, you just focus on sending traffic to your links – and when people buy through your links, you get paid some money.

It's also the most passive business model i.e.

Let's say that you create content on your website or YouTube channel, that content can continue to generate traffic for you on autopilot i.e. if it's evergreen content.

And as long as you're still getting traffic, you'll still manage to get some sales – and the affiliate links doesn't expire or become absolute (unless if the company decides to close their affiliate program).

To learn more about this business model, you can read this article.

3. Start A Social Media Marketing Agency

Another great way to make some cash as a teenager is through starting an SMMA.

If you're not familiar with SMMAs, they're basically agencies that helps businesses to run their paid ads – and in return, they get paid a certain monthly fee.

Now, if I say ‘agency', l don't mean that you should have a big firm with a ton of employees in order to be entitled that title – NO!

Instead, an agency can be a 1 man company without even an office – because the nature of this grind doesn't necessarily require you to have a traditional business setup.

(Even Iman Gadzhi started as a solopreneur & he was still a teenager too!)

Now you might be wondering;

‘How can l get started with this business model?’

It’s quite simple than you think!

Firstly, you need to learn how to run paid ads i.e. Google or Facebook Ads.

Although social media marketing covers a lot of things, these are the 2 main skills that are currently on high demand right now – and most businesses are willing to pay good amounts for those services.

You can learn about paid ads through some free YouTube tutorials – or even through Google Skillshop for absolutely free.

Once you've learned about paid ads, you can then start approaching some local companies within your local area – and you pitch them your services.

Obviously, some of them might ignore you – but if you approach more companies, some of them might consider hiring you.

The key is to charge low fees when you're just starting out – so as to build some social proof.

But once you've established some trust and authority, you can then start charging higher fees for your services.

NB: Most people charges around $2000/month per client – and you can serve up to 5 clients per month – which translates to 10 bands per month.

*You can also learn how to build funnels & you start designing funnels for small businesses i.e. for a certain fee.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best ways that you can use to make money as a teenager.

Obviously, most people were expecting to see staff like;

‘Complete 42 surveys & make 300 bucks'

‘Download this app & make some quick cash'

No, we don't do that sh*t on this blog – because most of these ‘short cut' methods aren't sustainable in the long run.

I want you to learn about some real business models that are more sustainable for long term – such as the ones discussed in this post.


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