How To Create A Simple Website With Blogger (Beginner's Guide)

How To Create A Simple Website With Blogger (Beginner's Guide)

In this post, l will quickly share with you how you can create your own website using Blogger (formerly known as Blogspot).

Thus, read till the very end if you want to start your own Blogspot blog.

Let's get started.....

1. Sign Up For Blogger

The first step is to go to & you create your own account.

Setting-up a Blogger account isn't that complicated & it takes literally few minutes.

You just need a valid Gmail account in order to signup for this platform.

2. Click On The ‘New Blog' Option

Once you're signed in, simply click on the ‘New Blog' option to get started.

This enables you to start a completely new blog from scratch i.e. even without prior experience.

3. Type-In Your Blog Name

Next, you need to type-in your blog name i.e. how do you want people to identify your blog?

This helps to distinguish your blog from bazillions of other blogs that are hosted under this platform.

NB: Try to come-up with a name that's closely related to your niche i.e. for SEO purposes.

Or you can use your own biological name as your blog name if you wish to do so.

4. Purchase A Domain Or Use The Free Default Subdomain

Once you've completed the previous step, it's now high time to purchase a domain for your blog.

This allows you to have your own custom url that's specifically dedicated to you – rather than using a subdomain like

And you can get a domain from as little as $2.95 i.e. if you use a company like GreenGeeks.

But if you don't have money to buy a domain, then you can use the default subdomain which is provided by Blogger – though this comes with some drawbacks.

5. Select A Template For Your Blog

Once you’re done with the previous step, you'll be taken to a page that has some free templates.

Simply browse through these templates – and once you find something that's more appealing to you, then choose it.

A template helps to provide a structure of how your blog is going to look like – and you can easily customise it based on your needs.

You can always change your theme at a later stage i.e. if you wish to do so.

6. Start Designing Your Blog

Once you've selected a theme, it's now high time to start designing your blog i.e. through customising the theme.

With Blogger, you can easily change your colours, fonts, images, etc. – based on your tastes and preferences.

And you don't have to be a developer who knows about HTML, CSS, Java, etc. – since Blogger provides a simple drag and drop interface which is very beginner friendly.

7. Publish

Once you've finished designing your website, it's now high time to publish it.

This allows your website to becomes visible to the general public – so that people can start visiting your it.

But more importantly, you should start writing some articles for your blog ASAP – because content is the one which drives traffic to your blog i.e. through SEO.

How To Monetize Your Blogspot Blog

(i) AdSense

The most common way of monetizing a Blogspot blog is through Google AdSense.

This is whereby you apply for AdSense – and once you get accepted, you'll be given a code which you can install on your site.

This code helps to generate ads for your site – and you'll get paid a certain fee i.e. depending on your RPM.

Unlike most ad networks, Google AdSense accepts new sites even when they aren't getting significant traffic yet.

The only caveat about AdSense is that, they have very low RPMs i.e. you get paid pennies for your traffic.

For this reason, you might need to get a ton of visitors just to make a decent income.

Other than that, AdSense is still a great opportunity for Blogspot bloggers.

(ii) Affiliate Links

You can also add some affiliate links inside your content.

In this method, you need to sign up for an affiliate program like Amazon Associates – and once you get approved, you'll be given some promotional materials like banners, text ads, custom links, etc.

Simply place those items inside your content (where relevant) – and when people buy through your links, you'll get paid some commissions.

The beauty part is that, there's a ton of affiliate programs out there – you just have to look for ones which are relevant to your niche.

(iii) Sell Your Own Products

You can also sell your own products on your Blogspot blog.

For example, you can sell a course, eBook, cheat-sheet, guide, printable items, or anything that's digital in nature.

You just have to figure out what people are looking for (related to your niche) – then you package the information into a digital product.

And we all know that digital products are very profitable in nature – and they have the least overhead too!

You just have to provide some great valuable content for free – so that people can build some trust in you i.e. before they decide to trust you with their monies.

Wrapping Up

So that's how a complete beginner can create and monetize a Blogger website.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any more questions.


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