What I Learned From Watching Jordan Green's Videos

What I Learned From Watching Jordan Green's Videos

So about a year ago (June 2021), I came across a YouTuber by the name Jordan Green – and if you watch self improvement videos, you probably know him.

He makes some great videos, mainly based around self improvement.

And his channel has been blowing up lately – coz he's impacting most people's lives – thus, YouTube is pushing his channel to a wider audience.

And through watching his videos, I was able to learn a lot of things, which I'm going to share in this quick post.

These includes:

1. No FAP & Semen Retention💪

The boy preaches a lot about the importance of No FAP & semen retention, as it gives you more energy to work on other productive things.

(Even Napoleon Hill talks about this concept in his classic book, Think & Grow Rich).

You see, a lot of young men aren't able to do productive things because they feel weak i.e. they don't have the much needed energy to do so.

They waste their source of energy sleeping around with b*tches, watching p*rn, masturbating, and all that crazy staff.

The end result?

Weak - tired young men who aren't driven/ambitious to work on great things.

But if you practice No FAP & retention for a reasonable period of time, this will give you more energy & drive to work on something productive.

(Even sports players⛹️‍♂️ are sometimes restricted from going out of the camp, so that they wont lose their energy on ....)

Owky, now you have all that extra energy?

What should you do with it?

That's where working on your purpose comes into play, which is the next point that I'm going to talk about.

2. Working On Your Purpose🎯

It's important to have a life purpose i.e. something which is bigger than you, something that wakes you out of the bed every morning.

Everyone's life purpose is different i.e. some of us are writers, some people are artists, some are public speakers, etc.

Thus, it's important to find yours ASAP – so that you can have something to work on.

And I've an article which goes into depth on how to find your life purpose .... you can read it here.

But having something to work on is so crucial, as it gives you a sense of fulfilment in your day to day life.

And if you work on your purpose whilst using that extra energy from retention, then you'll be able to accomplish great things.

3. Self Care😇

Jordan also talks a lot about the importance of self care.

Before loving other people, it's important to first love yourself – because you can't pour from an empty cup. (Tryna use Jordan's tone lol😄)

And it all starts with self care i.e. the greatest gift that you can give to yourself.

Here are some of the things which Jordan talks about i.e. regarding self care;

i) Skin Care Routines🛀

When you meet people, the major determinance of how they interact with you is your physical appearance ..... and it all starts with your skin.

You should try by all means to take care of your skin, so that it looks better & more presentable.

And that's where skin care routines comes into play, so as to keep your skin healthy.

Jordan partners with Tiege Hanley .... a company that makes great skin care products for men.

And he usually promote the company in some of his videos, so that his subscribers can try out its products.

But regardless of which products you use, you should try by all means to take care of your skin – but please, DON'T BLEACH!🚫

ii) Working Out🏋️‍♂️

Jordan also talks a lot about working out, and he even posts some workout videos on his channel here & there.

It's good to take care of your body, so as to keep it in good shape.

Though I don't do any form of weight lifting, I've adopted the habit of working out at home i.e. mainly through push-ups, pull-ups, stretches, etc.

And I've seen some great improvements on my body, though it might not seem like much to fitness enthusiasts – lol🙂

iii) Eating Healthy🍎

The boy also preaches a lot about eating healthy.

And him personally, he’s a vegan i.e. people who don't eat animals & animal products like eggs🥚, milk🥛, etc.

And I also adopted this form of diet – though I sometimes switch to vegetarian – in order to boost my vitamins.

And I've seen a huge improvement on my overall health – because I've removed some toxic/unhealthy foods from my diet – though I might eat a cookie🍪 here & there lol😋.

But for most times, I only eat clean staff ..... no junk staff in my body!

iv) Rewarding Yourself💸

He also preaches about rewarding yourself, especially if you've been working so hard on your grind.

Sometimes, we tend to overwork ourselves – but then, give our self nothing in return ..... which might not be good at times.

I'm not saying that you should blow away all your earnings, but maybe you should take yourself out on a vacation, restaurant, shopping, etc. – using a reasonable % of that money.

4. Seeking Therapy👨‍💼

If you follow Jordan, you probably know that, he had an herniated disc for some time.

And he then decided to take some physical therapy in order to heal the problem – so he preaches about the importance of therapy to his subscribers.

Not only does he talk about physical therapy, but he also talks about the importance of mental therapy as well – and he partners with Better Help in most of his videos.

Therapy is so important because at times, we keep our worries to ourselves, which might cause a lot of stress🤯 on our mental health.

But if you seek therapy, you can have someone to talk to about those problems – thus, allowing you to get professional advice from someone who's an expert.

And it also helps to tackle the problem before it gets intense i.e. before you think of doing some crazy staff ..... like suicidal acts.

5. Watching The Sunset🌅

Last but not least, Jordan is a big advocate of watching the sunset.

Back in the day, I saw this as a waste of time – but after trying it some few times, I’ve seen some dramatic improvements on my overall well-being.

Though l might miss some days due to tight schedules, I try by all means to go out when the sun is setting – so that I can enjoy the experience in the present moment.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the things that I've learned from watching Jordan Green's videos for almost a year now.

In fact, I've learned a lot from him, since he's full of knowledge & wisdom – but I just decided to share the major ones that I've learned.

And if you watch his videos, you might as well learn one or two things from him.

You can check out his channel here.


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